A sure way to know someone is not ‘The One’, is if you are not totally excited every time you hear their voice, or when you go to see them. You should be nervous, happy and all bubbly inside, and want to spend every moment with this person, even if you can’t. If you do not have anything in common with the person you have fallen for, this is probably not a ‘Match Made in Heaven.’ They will want to do things, you may hate, and you may want to do things they hate, and if there is no common ground to base your relationship on, then it is not going to work either. When you go out to dinner, if your date is starring off into space, or spending more time flirting and having conversation with the waitress/ waiter, then you should probably get up now, and walk away, and save yourself a big heartache.
If you are constantly fighting or arguing over silly stuff, then they are likely, not for you either. If you find out your, “One and Only” does not class you the same, then it is defiantly time to end this relationship. Also, if they claim you are the “Apple of Their Eye”, and you find them sneaking around, or things just don’t seem quite right, they probably aren’t, so Run! We often don’t give our instincts enough credit. Almost 90% of the time, that bad feeling, is dead on the money. It’s sad, but true. Learn more about dating and relationship.